Posted Memories

CAMP PATTON in Normandy

If you are interested in learning about Camp Patton in Nehou, France (Normandy) Please write to General Patton and his command staff were sequestered in an orchard there. In 1994 over 2,000 people came from all corers of the world to inaugurate 2 very moving memorials. One was founded by the department of La Manche. The other by his grand daughter and the American Abbey that was founded in CT. in thanksgiving for the Liberation. Every year Helen Patton helps to produce a performance of some kind dedicated to continued Liberation peace and Memory.
In 1994 Ms. Patton Wrote and directed a play depicting the events of the summer of 1944 which featured Oscar winning actress Patricia Neal who read some of the Generals Poetry, and Irish Actor and Olivier Award Nominee Ian Fitzgibbon as the Narrator. The Nehou Villagers depicted the people in the town.
The following year a jazz concert was offered by Lynne and Mike Palter of Manchester Ma. They sang songs from the war era in both French and English, and ended there act with their original anthem We Dream a Brighter Day. This song was commissioned by UNICEF and the audience learned it right then and there and participated in this final number.
This year New York Director William C. Lipscomb will direct the American Musical THE FANTASTIKS. The performance will be on August 16th at The Living Flame Mansion across the street from Le Vieux Nehou Restaurant. It will be a warm tribute to the life that has been made possible by the couragous men and women who faught for freedom in WWII.

For a brochure about the orchard write:

Mr. Bernard LeChavalier- President
Association Souvenir du General Patton
50390 Le Bourg Nehou

I can be contacted at

Send comments to Dan Machesky at
Or to Ray Beebe at